72 research outputs found

    Zur Leistung der Abstrakta in der studentischen Wissenschaftssprache: ein quantitativer L1-L2-Vergleich

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    This article examines the role of abstract nouns which are used to carry propositional content. These are referred to here as “satzbezogene nominale Verweise” (SNV) and they are operationalised using a combination of semantic, functional and structural criteria. Varied use of these nominal linking devices seems to be a consistent feature of academic writing not only in English but also in German. The manifold functional aspects of the concept (signalling, containment, pointing) make it a valid instructional point in the development of L2-writers in university settings. The question that automatically arises is whether there are any disparities between the ways L1-writers make use of the nouns compared to L2-writers. The study (re)introduces the theoretical underpinnings of the concept into German linguistics and presents a quantitative comparison between L1 and L2 (Czech) writers with respect to their use of SNVs. For the purposes of the study a corpus comprising a total of 54 master theses was designed. Apart from accounting for the L1 of the students, other variables include the subdiscipline (literary studies or linguistics), phoric direction and grammatical constructions associated with the individual nouns

    Liability for defective prospectus

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    1 Liability for defective prospectus Abstract The aim of my thesis is to provide a paper that discusses the overall consequences of an issuer who, in connection with public offer of securities or their admission to the trading on regulated market, provide and make public a defective prospectus that contains untrue, incomplete and misleading information. The thesis does not deal with all aspects of the laws of prospectus. Instead, it focus on particular issues in relation to the prospectus. Mainly, it deals with civil liability arising out of the defective prospectus. As a consequence, the other sanctions, eg. administrative or criminal, are not included in the thesis. In my thesis, I consider prospectus as an informative document that ought to provide certain information in order to protect investors. These information must not be untrue, incomplete or misleading so that the high standard of protection to investors is preserved. High standard of investors protection include, inter alia, higher liability attached to a prospectus. Legal regulations governing civil liability attached to a prospectus are not harmonized on the EU level. Instead, broad discretion is given to Member States in order to provide their own legal regulation regarding civil liability for a defective prospectus. That opens free field for...Právní úprava odpovědnosti za prospekt cenných papírů Abstrakt Cílem této práce je rozbor důsledků plynoucí z toho, že emitent v souvilosti s veřejnou nabídkou cenných papírů či jejich přijetím k obchodování na regulovaný trh vyhotoví a uveřejní vadný prospekt, tedy takový prospekt, který obsahuje neúplné, nesprávné zavádějící či klamavé informace. Není ambicí této práce popsat podrobně celou právní upravu prospektu cenného papíru. Práce je zaměřena pouze na vybrané aspekty právní úpravy prospektu cenného papíru. Hlavním ohniskem práce je rozbor soukromoprávních důsledků vyhotovení a uveřejnění prospektu, který nevyhovuje zákonným požadavkům. Není tedy pojednáno o veřejnoprávních sankcích, včetně trestněprávních důsledků uvedeného jednání. Prospekt je nutné chápat jako informační dokument sloužící primárně k ochraně investorů, přičemž taková ochrana je poskytováná prostřednictvím informační povinnosti, tedy v tom, že prospekt musí obsahovat zákonem předepsané informace, které nesmějí být neúplné, nepravdíve, závádějící či klamavé. Z takto vymezeného účelu prospektu je třeba dovodit zvýšeno odpovědnost s ním spojenou. Oblast odpovědnosti za prospekt je jednou z výjimek právní úpravy prospektu, která není v rámci Evropské unie harmonizována. Je tak dána poměrné široká diskreční pravomoc členských států, aby...Katedra obchodního právaDepartment of Business LawFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Design of JA-400 adjustable horizontal tail

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem stavitelného stabilizátoru za účelem vyvažování letounu a zlepšení jeho letových výkonů. Cílem práce bylo navrhnout konstrukční řešení ovládání a zavěšení horizontálního stabilizátoru. Součástí je pevnostní výpočet kritických konstrukčních prvků a návrh letových zkoušek. V závěru jsou zhodnoceny výhody a nevýhody nového řešení a posouzení možnosti sériové výroby.Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem stavitelného stabilizátoru za účelem vyvažování letounu a zlepšení jeho letových výkonů. Cílem práce bylo navrhnout konstrukční řešení ovládání a zavěšení horizontálního stabilizátoru. Součástí je pevnostní výpočet kritických konstrukčních prvků a návrh letových zkoušek. V závěru jsou zhodnoceny výhody a nevýhody nového řešení a posouzení možnosti sériové výroby. Klíčová slova Ultralight, JA – 400, stabilizátor, stavitelný stabilizátor, vodorovné ocasní plochy, vyvážení. Abstract This thesis describes the design of adjustable stabilizer for the purpose of balancing the aircraft and improve its flight performance. The aim was to propose a design solution for control and hinge system of horizontal stabilizer. It includes the strength calculation of critical structural components and the design of flight tests. The conclusion evaluates the pros and cons of the new solutions and possibilities of mass production.

    Use of the EMTP-ATP software to develop a dynamic model of the technological centre

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    This paper deals with analysis of power generating units installed within the technological centre. To be able to analyse behaviour of such a complex system with accumulation, the dynamic model of the technology was created using the EMTP-ATP software. The current configuration of the dynamic model is based on the block diagram containing all the unconventional sources of electric power. The values produced by ATPDraw are shown in graphs for reference. The dynamic model will serve the purpose of research and observation of the entire technological centre with respect to transients at individual sources of power


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    This paper describes application-specific and technology specifications related to ICT-based approach for the support of policy modelling as proposed in the EU funded FP7 ICT OCOPOMO project. In this particular approach strategic planning is supported by a combination of narrative scenarios, agent-based modelling, and e-Participation tools (all integrated via an ICT e-Governance platform). The policy model for a given domain is created iteratively using cooperation of several stakeholder groups (decision makers, analysts, companies, civic society, and the general public). In this paper we will provide principles and key concepts of collaborative policy modelling, but the main focus is on the discussion of high-level architecture of ICT tools and software components, envisioned platform functionality and preliminary view of detailed architecture and technological details for implementation and integration of software components. An overall approach is presented also from the view of a particular pilot application, built around development of a strategy of renewable energy use. The process of development of a new strategy is described using standard BPMN. The process models correspond to AS-IS and TO-BE (i.e. after incorporation of scenario generation and policy modelling) situations

    Plasmonic properties of individual gallium nanoparticles

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    Gallium is a plasmonic material offering ultraviolet to near-infrared tunability, facile and scalable preparation, and good stability of nanoparticles. In our contribution, we experimentally demonstrate the link between the shape and size of individual gallium nanoparticles and their optical properties. To this end, we utilize scanning transmission electron microscopy combined with electron energy loss spectroscopy. Lens-shaped gallium nanoparticles with a diameter between 10 nm and 200 nm were grown directly on a silicon nitride membrane using an in-house developed effusion cell operated at ultra-high vacuum conditions. We have experimentally proved that they support localized surface plasmon resonances and their dipole mode can be tuned through their size from ultraviolet to near-infrared spectral region. The measurements are supported by numerical simulations using realistic particle shapes and sizes. Our results open the way for future applications of gallium nanoparticles such as hyperspectral absorption of sunlight in energy harvesting or plasmon-enhanced luminescence of ultraviolet emitters

    Comprehensive verification of the behavior of the continuous welded rail on the bridge

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    The aim of this paper is to verify the real behavior of the continuous welded rail on the bridge with a longer expansion length than allowed by Czech national regulations. Special attention is focused on the rate of interaction of the continuous welded rail and the bridge, which decisively affects the stress state in the continuous welded rail when the temperature changes. In order to improve the result and increase the accuracy of observation, two measuring methods (geodetic and strain gauge) were chosen while recording the temperature conditions of individual components of the system were simultaneously recorded

    Crandallite-rich beds of the Libkovice Member, Most Basin, Czech Republic : climatic extremes or paleogeographic changes at the onset of the Miocene Climatic Optimum?

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    We describe the occurrence and possible origin of rare beds 1-10cm thick and containing 20-70% of crandallite, a Ca-Al phosphate enriched in Sr and Ba, found within otherwise monotonous clay-rich lacustrine sediments of the Most Basin in the Central-European Neogene Ohře Rift system. The beds were formed at ca. 17.31, 17.06, and 16.88Ma, while the entire suite of monotonous clays of the Libkovice Member was deposited between 17.46 and 16.65Ma. Trace-element and organic geochemistry, Ar-Ar geochronology and C-O-Sr isotope systematics are used to infer their source and processes leading to their formation. The most enigmatic aspect of the formation of the crandallite beds is the removal of a huge amount of phosphorus from its biogenic cycle in the lacustrine system, which was otherwise stable for ca. 0.8My. Formation of detritus-poor crandallite beds could result from some exceptional environmental disruptions that hindered transport of fine clastic material to the basin floor. Silicic volcanic activity in the area of the Pannonian Basin could have triggered this disruption. Crandallite could provide evidence of long-lasting droughts and acidification of the exogenic environment, as they are roughly coeval with the onset of the Miocene Climatic Optimum at ca. 17.0Ma

    A lacustrine record of the early stage of the Miocene Climatic Optimum in Central Europe from the Most Basin, Ohře (Eger) Graben, Czech Republic.

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    21 pagesInternational audienceThis study reports on a ~ 150 m thick macrofossil-barren sequence of siliciclastic sediments from a Burdigalian age (Early Miocene) freshwater lake. The lake was located within an incipient rift system of the Most Basin in the Ohře (Eger) Graben, which was part of the European Cenozoic Rift System, and had an original area of ≈ 1000 km2. Sediments from the HK591 core that cover the entire thickness of the lake deposits and some of the adjacent stratigraphic units were analysed by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (a proxy for element composition) and magnetic polarity measurement. The element proxies were subjected to frequency analysis, which provided estimated sedimentation rates, and allowed for sediment dating by magnetostratigraphy and orbital tuning of the age model. Based on the resulting age model and the known biostratigraphy, the lake was present between 17.4 and 16.6 Ma, which includes the onset of the Miocene Climatic Optimum in the latest Early Miocene. The identification of orbital forcing (precession, obliquity and short eccentricity cycles) confirms the stability of the sedimentary environment of the perennial lake in an underfilled basin. The dating allowed the sediment record to be interpreted in the context of the current knowledge of the European climate during that period. The stability of the sedimentary environment confirms that precipitation was relatively stable over the period recorded by the sediments